Governance for Elasticity in the Cloud

September 30, 2021


Elasticity is one of the key benefits of the cloud. Organizations can easily scale their infrastructure up or down to cope with changing demands. However, managing elasticity can be challenging. Without proper governance, it can lead to unpredictable costs, performance issues, and security risks. In this blog post, we will compare different cloud governance strategies for elasticity and highlight their pros and cons.

Centralized Governance

One approach to manage elasticity in the cloud is through centralized governance. This involves establishing a centralized team or department that is responsible for managing the resources in the cloud. They can control who has access to the resources, what types of resources can be deployed, and under what conditions they can be scaled up or down.

Centralized governance offers several benefits. It ensures that resources are used efficiently, costs are optimized, and security risks are minimized. However, it can also be slow and inflexible. Requests for additional resources may take longer to approve, and the centralized team may not be able to keep up with the demands of the organization.

Decentralized Governance

Another option is decentralized governance. This involves delegating responsibility for managing resources to individual teams or departments within the organization. Each team can set their own policies for scaling up or down resources based on their unique needs.

Decentralized governance offers greater flexibility and agility as teams can quickly respond to changing demands. However, it can lead to duplication of resources and higher costs. It can also be difficult to ensure consistency and compliance across different teams.

Hybrid Governance

A third option is a hybrid governance model that combines centralized and decentralized approaches. This involves establishing a centralized team that sets policies and guidelines for elasticity, while delegating responsibility to individual teams for managing their own resources. The centralized team can provide oversight and support to ensure compliance and consistency.

Hybrid governance offers the best of both worlds. It provides flexibility and agility for individual teams while ensuring efficiency, cost optimization, and security. However, it can also be complex to implement and manage.


In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to governance for elasticity in the cloud. The right strategy will depend on the needs of the organization and its goals. Centralized governance offers greater control and security, but at the expense of agility. Decentralized governance offers greater agility, but at the expense of efficiency and cost optimization. Hybrid governance provides the best of both worlds but requires more planning and coordination.

Regardless of the approach, it's important to have a clear governance framework in place to manage elasticity in the cloud. This will help organizations optimize costs, ensure compliance, and minimize security risks.


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